draw.io Frequently Asked Questions
Click on one of the category headings below to expand it and see the frequently asked questions.
Confluence Cloud
- Scramble all text in your diagram with the anonymize plugin
- Open the app management pages in Confluence and Jira Cloud
- Find the draw.io app version and SEN in Confluence Cloud
- Change the displayed diagram page and layers in an embedded draw.io diagram in Confluence Cloud
- Make a copy of a diagram in Confluence Cloud
- Edit an embedded diagram in Confluence Cloud
- Embed and reuse diagrams in Confluence Cloud
- Enable smart templates in draw.io for Confluence Cloud
- Disable the draw.io Lightbox on a diagram in Confluence Cloud
- Move a diagram to another page in Confluence Cloud
- Recover a diagram from an unpublished page in Confluence Cloud
- Restore an older version of a diagram
- Change the draw.io macro Viewer Settings in Confluence Cloud
- Add and resolve comments on diagrams in Confluence
- Set the drawio-config space permissions in Confluence
- Enable the Simple Viewer for draw.io diagrams in Confluence
- Set custom colours in Confluence Cloud
- Use custom fonts in draw.io for Confluence Cloud
- Use custom libraries in Confluence Cloud
- Set custom default styles for shapes and connectors
- Set up custom template diagrams in Confluence Cloud
- Customise the draw.io interface
- Data storage and flow of user data in draw.io for Confluence and Jira Cloud
- Diagram not Found dialog
- Get a community draw.io license for Confluence or Jira Cloud
- Set up and customise draw.io in Confluence Cloud for administrators
- Using draw.io in Confluence Cloud
- Work with draw.io diagrams in Confluence Cloud
- Embed a diagram from Google Drive into Confluence Cloud
- Embed a diagram from OneDrive into Confluence Cloud
- Get a free draw.io for Confluence Cloud license
- License draw.io for Confluence and Jira Cloud correctly
- Mass import Gliffy diagrams to draw.io in Confluence Cloud
- Migrate draw.io from one Confluence instance to another by updating PageIDs
- Migrate draw.io from Confluence Data Center/Server to Confluence Cloud
- See the number of draw.io diagrams in a Confluence instance
- Solve PDF export problems under Confluence Cloud
- See shape metadata with the properties plugin
- Recover a diagram that was moved to another page in Confluence Cloud
- Resize the draw.io viewer in Confluence Cloud
- Extract all of the text in your diagram
- What happens to diagrams when the draw.io app license for Confluence or Jira Cloud becomes invalid
Confluence Data Center and Server
- Manually add a draw.io license to Confluence Server
- Scramble all text in your diagram with the anonymize plugin
- Change how diagram links open on Confluence Server
- Configure the draw.io editor
- Configure server settings in draw.io for Confluence Server and Data Center
- Use a self-hosted JavaScript viewer in Confluence Server to export to HTML
- Add and resolve comments on diagrams in Confluence
- Set the drawio-config space permissions in Confluence
- Rename a draw.io diagram in Confluence Data Center and Server
- Change the filename of an attached diagram file in Confluence Data Center and Server
- Change displayed page and layers in the Simple Viewer in Confluence Data Center and Server
- Enable the Simple Viewer for draw.io diagrams in Confluence
- Create a draw.io support zip in Confluence Server
- Get a quote for draw.io for Confluence Server
- Set up custom template diagrams in Confluence Server
- Get a community draw.io license for Confluence or Jira Server
- Embed a diagram from another page on Confluence Data Center and Server
- Import a CSV file from a URL to a draw.io diagram in Confluence Data Center and Server
- Embed a diagram from Google Drive into Confluence Data Center and Server
- Embed a diagram from OneDrive into Confluence Data Center and Server
- Embed a diagram from a URL into a Confluence Data Center and Server page
- Enable additional debugging on draw.io for Confluence Server
- External image generation in draw.io for Confluence Server and Data Center
- Fix SVG images when using a proxy with Confluence Server
- Enable Google Drive and OneDrive integration in Confluence Data Center and Server
- Insert large images into diagrams on Confluence Server
- Install a specific version of draw.io in Confluence Server
- Get license information for draw.io for Confluence or Jira Server
- License draw.io for Confluence or Jira Server
- Solve an Invalid License error in draw.io for Confluence or Jira Server
- Mass import Gliffy diagrams to draw.io in Confluence Data Center and Server
- Migrate draw.io from Confluence Data Center/Server to Confluence Cloud
- Get a new draw.io evaluation license for Confluence Server
- See the number of draw.io diagrams in a Confluence instance
- Open .vsd, .vdx and .vss files in draw.io for Confluence Server
- See shape metadata with the properties plugin
- Extract all of the text in your diagram
- What happens to draw.io diagrams in Confluence Server when draw.io is not licensed
Jira Cloud
- Open the app management pages in Confluence and Jira Cloud
- Find the draw.io app version and SEN in Jira Cloud
- Data storage and flow of user data in draw.io for Confluence and Jira Cloud
- Get a community draw.io license for Confluence or Jira Cloud
- Using draw.io in Jira Cloud
- Embed a diagram from Confluence Cloud in Jira Cloud
- Embed a diagram from Google Drive into Jira Cloud
- Embed a diagram from OneDrive into Jira Cloud
- Check access rights for draw.io in Jira Cloud
- License draw.io for Confluence and Jira Cloud correctly
- Migrate draw.io from Jira Server or DC to Jira Cloud
- What happens to diagrams when the draw.io app license for Confluence or Jira Cloud becomes invalid
Jira Data Center and Server
- Convert a Gliffy diagram stored in Jira Server to draw.io
- Get a community draw.io license for Confluence or Jira Server
- Fix Jira Server shortcuts in draw.io diagrams
- Get license information for draw.io for Confluence or Jira Server
- License draw.io for Confluence or Jira Server
- Solve an Invalid License error in draw.io for Confluence or Jira Server
- Migrate draw.io from Jira Server or DC to Jira Cloud
- Save diagrams as separate PNG files in Jira Server
Online Whiteboard
- Add images to your diagram
- Add and remove waypoints on connectors
- Apply layouts to rearrange a diagram
- Insert shapes, links, templates and more in draw.io
- Autosize shapes to fit their text labels
- Change the background colour in draw.io
- Use a diagram page as a background image
- Delete an existing background image
- Use a background image in your draw.io diagram
- Enable or disable the collapse/expand feature on container shapes
- Work with custom links
- Set global diagram options in the format panel
- Manually edit the XML source of your draw.io diagram
- Move around a diagram on the drawing canvas
- Change the diagram editor grid
- Enable or disable page view
- Change the diagram editor theme
- Embed HTML options
- Generate code to embed a diagram in a webpage
- Embed your diagram as an SVG in a web page
- Encode a diagram in a URL
- Export a diagram with the editor grid
- Compare file storage locations
- Find shapes in your diagram based on their metadata or labels
- Close the footer at app.diagrams.net
- File format for custom shape libraries
- Minimise or move the format panel in the Sketch editor theme
- Show or hide the format panel
- File format for the template library
- Add a global custom property
- Apply a new global style
- Add and resolve comments on diagrams in Google Drive
- Install draw.io for Google Drive via Google Workspace Marketplace
- Work with revisions of diagrams stored in Google Drive
- Group and ungroup shapes and connectors
- Get help with draw.io
- Crop an image
- Draw a freehand shape
- Insert CSV data and formatting information to generate a diagram
- Insert layouts to build diagrams quickly
- Insert shapes via the menu
- Insert a template into an existing diagram
- Insert text and links
- Add text labels to shapes and connectors
- Move shapes and connectors from one layer to another
- Add and remove layers in a diagram
- Work with layers in draw.io
- Add line breaks in labels
- Lock or unlock elements in a diagram
- Use mathematical typesetting in diagrams
- Change the editor interface and menu language
- Move an area of your diagram
- Create a new diagram using draw.io
- Run draw.io offline
- Open an existing diagram file
- Add a page to a diagram
- Change the page size with Page scale
- Change the page size and orientation
- Position labels inside and outside shapes
- Predefined placeholders
- Print a diagram
- Print and fit a diagram to a page
- Publicly publish a diagram as a link
- Replace existing shapes
- Reset or override connection points on a shape
- Save a diagram in various formats
- Use the scratchpad in draw.io
- Select multiple shapes
- Constrain proportions when resizing shapes
- Duplicate a shape
- Move a shape only horizontally or vertically
- Change the shape perimeter
- Resize shapes or groups of shapes
- Rotate shapes or groups of shapes
- Search for a shape in the shape library
- Delete a shape with all of its connectors
- Deselect shapes and child shapes
- Overlap shapes and containers
- Swap shapes in place
- Change the fill pattern when using the Sketch style
- Disable smart templates
- Spell check an entire diagram
- Use the SQL plugin to create an entity relationship diagram
- Select a storage location for your diagram files
- Copy and paste the styles of shapes and connectors
- Reset the default style
- Format text using superscript and subscript
- Synchronize and merge external changes to your diagram
- Add a table to your diagram
- Add a cross-functional table to your diagram
- Merge and unmerge table cells
- Change the shape of a participant on a UML lifeline
- Change the writing direction
- Change the zoom level
- Configure the draw.io editor
- Configure server settings in draw.io for Confluence Server and Data Center
- Set custom colours in Confluence Cloud
- Use custom fonts in draw.io for Confluence Cloud
- Use custom libraries in Confluence Cloud
- Set custom default styles for shapes and connectors
- Set up custom template diagrams in Confluence Cloud
- Set up custom template diagrams in Confluence Server
- Customise the draw.io interface
- Embed HTML options
- Embed mode
- File format for custom shape libraries
- File format for the template library
- Predefined placeholders
- Disable smart templates
- Supported location hash properties
- Supported URL parameters
- Configure default adaptive colours
- Disable adaptive colours
- Remove user-defined adaptive colours
- Add rows to ERD tables, lists and UML classes
- Arrange shapes and connectors
- Autosize shapes to fit their text labels
- Enable or disable the collapse/expand feature on container shapes
- Connect shapes in draw.io
- Connect to anywhere on a shape
- Hide the connection arrows on shapes
- Hide the fixed connection points on shapes
- Enable or disable Copy on Connect
- Create custom shapes in draw.io using the text editor
- Find shapes in your diagram based on their metadata or labels
- File format for custom shape libraries
- Add a global custom property
- Apply a new global style
- Group and ungroup shapes and connectors
- Hide or display guidelines when moving shapes
- Move shapes and connectors from one layer to another
- Add line breaks in labels
- Position labels inside and outside shapes
- Replace existing shapes
- Reset or override connection points on a shape
- Disable group resize
- Select multiple shapes
- Add a shadow to all shapes, connectors and text
- Create and edit complex custom shapes
- Customise the connection points on a shape
- Constrain proportions when resizing shapes
- Duplicate a shape
- Find which layer a shape is on
- Move a shape only horizontally or vertically
- Change the shape perimeter
- Resize shapes or groups of shapes
- Rotate shapes or groups of shapes
- Search for a shape in the shape library
- Change the style of shapes
- Delete a shape with all of its connectors
- Deselect shapes and child shapes
- Overlap shapes and containers
- Swap shapes in place
- Change the fill pattern when using the Sketch style
- Snap to point shape property
- Copy and paste the styles of shapes and connectors
- Reset the default style
- Edit colours in embedded SVG images
- Insert SVG images into a diagram
- Input right to left text
- Change the style of text and labels
- Change the shape of a participant on a UML lifeline
- Configure default adaptive colours
- Disable adaptive colours
- Remove user-defined adaptive colours
- Add and remove waypoints on connectors
- Arrange shapes and connectors
- Connect shapes in draw.io
- Connect to anywhere on a shape
- Hide the connection arrows on shapes
- Hide the fixed connection points on shapes
- Animate connectors
- Create a connector with bidirectional arrows
- See the difference between fixed and floating connectors
- Flip a connector horizontally or vertically
- Create a connector with no arrows
- Reverse a connector
- Style connectors
- Join connectors
- Work with connectors
- Enable or disable Copy on Connect
- Add a global custom property
- Apply a new global style
- Group and ungroup shapes and connectors
- Move shapes and connectors from one layer to another
- Add line breaks in labels
- Position labels inside and outside shapes
- Reset or override connection points on a shape
- Add a shadow to all shapes, connectors and text
- Customise the connection points on a shape
- Delete a shape with all of its connectors
- Snap to point shape property
- Copy and paste the styles of shapes and connectors
- Reset the default style
- Change the style of text and labels
- Configure default adaptive colours
- Disable adaptive colours
- Remove user-defined adaptive colours
- Autosize shapes to fit their text labels
- Use custom fonts in draw.io for Confluence Cloud
- Add text labels to shapes and connectors
- Add line breaks in labels
- Use mathematical typesetting in diagrams
- Position labels inside and outside shapes
- Format text using superscript and subscript
- Input right to left text
- Change the style of text and labels
- Change the writing direction
- Permanently load a plugin using draw.io
- Scramble all text in your diagram with the anonymize plugin
- Uninstall a plugin from draw.io
- Step through your diagram using the explore function
- Automatically number shapes as you insert them
- List of draw.io plugins
- See shape metadata with the properties plugin
- Use the SQL plugin to create an entity relationship diagram
- Extract all of the text in your diagram
- draw.io for Quip Product Status
- Open and edit diagrams stored in Dropbox
- Use diagram version control in Dropbox
- Use Dropbox to store diagrams
- Embed a diagram from Google Drive into Confluence Data Center and Server
- Embed a diagram from OneDrive into Confluence Data Center and Server
- Embed a diagram on Google Sites
- Compare embed and export formats
- Embed HTML options
- Generate code to embed a diagram in a webpage
- Embed mode
- Embed your diagram as an SVG in a web page
- Enable third-party cookies in your browser
- Compare file storage locations
- Use diagrams in Google Docs
- Fix connection issues with Google Drive
- Use draw.io with Google Drive
- Create a new diagram in a Google Drive folder
- Import a diagram into Google Drive
- Install draw.io for Google Drive via Google Workspace Marketplace
- Publicly publish a diagram stored in Google Drive
- Rename, copy and move diagram files on Google Drive
- Work with revisions of diagrams stored in Google Drive
- Revoke access to Google Drive
- Install draw.io for Google Slides
- Enable Google Drive and OneDrive integration in Confluence Data Center and Server
- Install diagrams.net for Google Workspace (G Suite) domain-wide
- Troubleshoot authorisation problems with Google Workspace (G Suite)
- Permissions required to diagram in Google Workspace (G Suite) apps
- Use diagrams in Microsoft Word, Excel or Powerpoint
- Authorise draw.io to access files in Microsoft OneDrive
- Use draw.io in Microsoft Teams
- Getting support for draw.io for Microsoft Teams
- Install draw.io on a mobile device
- Permissions required to store diagrams in OneDrive
- Revoke access to OneDrive
- Share a diagram file using Dropbox
- Collaborate on and share diagrams online
- Select a storage location for your diagram files
- Web browsers supported by draw.io online
- Supported location hash properties
- Supported URL parameters
- Synchronize and merge external changes to your diagram
- Compare embed and export formats
- Export a diagram to various file formats
- Export a diagram as a higher resolution PNG image
- Export a diagram to HTML
- Export a diagram to a JPEG image
- Export a diagram to a PDF file
- Export a diagram to a PNG image
- Export a diagram to an SVG image
- Encode a diagram in a URL
- Export a diagram to an WebP image
- Export your diagram to an XML file
- Compare file storage locations
- Crop the PDF export to the diagram size
- Print a diagram to a PDF file
- Solve PDF export problems under Confluence Cloud
- Print a diagram
- Print and fit a diagram to a page
- Publicly publish a diagram as a link
- Why text in exported SVG images may not display correctly
- Convert a Gliffy diagram stored in Jira Server to draw.io
- Import a diagram into Google Drive
- Import a diagram into an existing diagram
- Import from Libre Office Draw is not supported
- Insert CSV data and formatting information to generate a diagram
- Import Lucidchart diagrams into draw.io
- Mass import Gliffy diagrams to draw.io in Confluence Cloud
- Mass import Gliffy diagrams to draw.io in Confluence Data Center and Server
- Open .vsd, .vdx and .vss files in draw.io for Confluence Server
- No .vsd file import in the Desktop app
- Diagram differences after .vsd import
- Use diagrams in Google Docs
- Add and resolve comments on diagrams in Google Drive
- Fix connection issues with Google Drive
- Use draw.io with Google Drive
- Create a new diagram in a Google Drive folder
- Import a diagram into Google Drive
- Install draw.io for Google Drive via Google Workspace Marketplace
- Publicly publish a diagram stored in Google Drive
- Rename, copy and move diagram files on Google Drive
- Work with revisions of diagrams stored in Google Drive
- Revoke access to Google Drive
- Install draw.io for Google Slides
- Install diagrams.net for Google Workspace (G Suite) domain-wide
- Troubleshoot authorisation problems with Google Workspace (G Suite)
- draw.io for Google Workspace (G Suite) deletion policy
- Permissions required to diagram in Google Workspace (G Suite) apps
- Embed a diagram from OneDrive into Confluence Cloud
- Embed a diagram from OneDrive into Confluence Data Center and Server
- Embed a diagram from OneDrive into Jira Cloud
- Use diagrams in Microsoft Word, Excel or Powerpoint
- Authorise draw.io to access files in Microsoft OneDrive
- Use draw.io in Microsoft Teams
- Getting support for draw.io for Microsoft Teams
- Permissions required to store diagrams in OneDrive
- Revoke access to OneDrive